SAnta visits Gilchrist

Santa Claus visits Gilchrist in what appears to be the 1950s. Mr. Claus has been a frequent visitor to Klamath County for many years now. He made an appearance at the J.W. Kerns Implement Co. Christmas party in Klamath Falls in December 1948. “Old Santa is a busy fellow but will try to get around to as many boys and girls as he can in Klamath County and Northern California before he dashes on back to the far north to pick up the toys he has ready for delivery on Christmas Eve” read the December 3, 1948 Herald and News. Employees of J.W. Kerns made an offer to drive Santa to those unable to visit him at the party: “Santa Claus doesn’t want to miss a boy or girl and if there are any children who are ill at home or in the hospital at Christmas time…Santa will make every effort possible to see them at their bedside.” A more somber article appeared in the Evening Herald in December 1924. It describes a poor family with a father too sick to work, a mother and daughter working six days each week to provide for the most basic needs, and the children playing hard so as to not be too cold in the home. “It is not a pretty picture. No, indeed. It is not the sort of picture which one wishes to see with Christmas but a few days away. One cannot help but wonder if those shivering, underfed youngsters are talking about Santa Claus; hoping and believe in the gladsome innocence of childhood that in spite of poverty, in spite of sickness, in spite of huger, he will not forget them. “No. One cannot help but wonder what those little tots are thinking about and talking about. And the sick father, what of him, as his eyes follow his youngsters about the room? What are his thoughts as he waits with hopeless feeling the coming of Christmas? “Trained and kindly investigators have visited this family. They have reported them to be in need of fuel and bedding and clothing to keep those little bodies warm. “No, these are not pleasant things to write about. But dire poverty stalks abroad in Klamath and Christmas is near. The real spirit of Christmas comes to those who give. There are many other families here whose wants are just as acute. There are many other little children who are wondering about Santa Claus; waiting and hoping. Their happiness on Christmas morning rests with the people of Klamath. “The faith of all these little youngsters in Santa Claus remains undiminished. And our faith in the people of Klamath Falls is just as certain. Let’s make these dreams of tired mothers, sick fathers and wondering-eyed tots come true.” Christmas is always better when we give and serve. We at the Klamath County Museum wish each of you a Merry Christmas.

100 years ago

While reports from all over the United States indicated continuance of a cold wave unequalled in the history of the nation, Klamath County did not lag behind in establishing a few records of its own.