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Beavers, whose pelts in the days of yore fueled the fur-trade business, are Oregon’s mascot, appearing on the state flag and giving Oregon the nickname of the Beaver State. During a recent listening session hosted by Sustainable Northwest, Upper Klamath Basin producers heard from Trout Unlim…

The demolition and removal of four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River is now complete. Last month, the Klamath River Renewal Corporation’s (KRRC) lead construction contractor, Kiewit, demobilized its equipment and work crews from the former dam sites, marking the effective end of construction.

Klamath Grown is working to create the first edition of the Klamath Grown Guide, a printed guide that will showcase farms, ranches, and food businesses in the Klamath Basin. This guide will help community members and tourists support local food and engage in local food events and activities.…

When gardening experienced a surge in 2020 and 2021, more people than ever sought gardening knowledge – whether growing food, ornamental plants, or a window full of houseplants. The recent interest in gardening remains strong. In response to increased requests for gardening information, OSU …

During the cold, dark winter months in the Klamath Basin, indoor gardening is the only option for most folks. Houseplants are a mainstay of indoor gardening. It may seem that plants protected indoors may not have changing needs in response to winter, but that is not the case. Even indoors, e…

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