Cattle killed in Ore. crash May 1, 2013 May 1, 2013 Comments Facebook Twitter WhatsApp SMS Email Facebook Twitter WhatsApp SMS Email Print Copy article link Save Facebook Twitter WhatsApp SMS Email Print Copy article link Save PENDLETON (AP) — State police say at least 10 cattle died when the truck carrying them fell to its side in a multi-vehicle crash in Eastern Oregon. A police spokesman says snow-and-ice caused Tuesday’s crash on Highway 204 in Umatilla County. × This page requires Javascript. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. kAm%96 492@D DE2CE65 H96? 2 D6>:ECF4< D=:5 2?5 8@E DEF4< @? E96 9:89H2J[ 42FD:?8 EH@ @E96C G69:4=6D E@ 4@==:56] xE 6?565 2 4@FA=6 G69:4=6D =2E6C[ H96? E96 ECF4< 42CCJ:?8 E96 42EE=6 4@==:565 H:E9 2 G2? E92E 925 DE@AA65 ;FDE 367@C6 E96 4C2D9 D:E6]k^Am kAm%96 H@>2? 5C:G:?8 E96 G2? H2D E2<6? 2 !6?5=6E@? 9@DA:E2= 7@C EC62E>6?E @7 >:?@C :?;FC:6D] %96C6 H6C6 ?@ @E96C :?;FC:6D 36J@?5 H92E 92AA6?65 E@ E96 42EE=6]k^Am kAm!@=:46 D2J E96 4C2D9 :?G6DE:82E:@? C6>2:?D 24E:G6]k^Am Facebook Twitter WhatsApp SMS Email Print Copy article link Save Tags Cattle Eastern Oregon Pendleton Oregon Oregon Semi-trailer Truck Pendleton Associated Press Umatilla County Oregon Basin Ag News Trending Now U.S. House fails to reauthorize 20-year-old bipartisan bill to fund rural schools, communities Three youths, one man killed in head-on collision with semi-truck Klamath Basin business notebook: Big Lots closing all remaining locations 4 killed in Hwy. 97 crash Motown’s Pizzeria at Klamath Community College brings taste of Detroit to Klamath Basin Support Local Journalism in Classrooms Latest e-Edition Klamath Falls Herald and News Read the latest edition of the Klamath Falls Herald and News.