Mazama manufacturing and construction students gather around a shed they built for a Sprague River family that lost their home in the Copperfield Fire. The shed, built through Team Oregon Build, was transported to the fire-affected property on Saturday, Oct. 26.
The 8-by-16-foot shed built by Mazama students is one of several being built by high school students. Students at Henley, Lost River, Bonanza, Chiloquin and Eagle Ridge also are completing sheds for fire-impacted families.
Mazama manufacturing and construction students gather around a shed they built for a Sprague River family that lost their home in the Copperfield Fire. The shed, built through Team Oregon Build, was transported to the fire-affected property on Saturday, Oct. 26.
KCSD photos
The shed was loaded onto a flatbed trailer for transport.
KCSD photos
The 8-by-16-foot shed built by Mazama students is one of several being built by high school students. Students at Henley, Lost River, Bonanza, Chiloquin and Eagle Ridge also are completing sheds for fire-impacted families.
KCSD photos
Mazama students paint the shed, putting the final touches on the structure before it is transported to a Sprague River family.
An 8-by-16-foot shed built by Mazama High School students is helping a Sprague River family who lost their home in the Copperfield Fire.
On Friday morning, Mazama construction students gathered around the completed structure for a photo, quietly celebrating a job well done. The shed was picked up and transported to the Sprague River area on Saturday to provide storage for a family who lost everything in September’s Copperfield Fire.