The latest beginner firefighter training class kicked off this fall on the Klamath Community College campus with a group of 17 students aiming…
An antique fire truck purchased by the city of Klamath Falls in 1931 has been restored to running condition by volunteers working for the Klam…
Bonanza Elementary Principal Jessica DeLonge and Gearhart School Vice Principal Melissa Nixon, wearing reflective vests and hard hats and arme…
On the surface, fighting wildfires doesn’t appear to require delicacy or nuance. Fire bosses speak in the language of war: weapons, attack, su…
A local firefighter died Tuesday in the line of duty.
Richard "Dick" Edwin Suber "K7DDI" passed away on March 4, 2019. A service of love and tribute will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 20, in B…